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Són molt retros i a la vegada tenen un toc vintage, qui ho diria, el que fan un parell de botons super exclusius.
Aquí unes ben llamineres!! El model SUGUS.
Són Sugus de debò però compte, no ús els mengeu pas estàn tractats especialment perquè no s'espatllin amb el pas del temps amb un acabat envernissat per ara, aguanten prou bé però més endavant vull provar la tècnica del metacrilat líquid.
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Sèrie imatges plastificades.
Variades imatges de coses que em motiven i m'agraden. Ven alegres i ideals per porta a l'estiu amb moltes coloraines, plenes de vitalitat i alegria. :)
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Disseny dibuixat per mi estil Orenetes Old school i intent de base amb Fimo però les he de millorar.
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I això és tot per ara encara tinc un munt de nous models per fer quan els tingui acabats ja els pujaré fins aviat!!
Translation for sailors in the world that you arrive to my blog:
1: These earrings are designed exclusively Chinese ceramic buttons.They are very retro, yet have a vintage feel, who would say, they do a couple of buttons super exclusive.
2: Here a very greedy! The model SUGUS.
Sugus but are seriously considering not using the way you eat are treated specially because not spoil with the passage of time with a finish bernissat for now, they hold very well but later I want to try the technique of acrylic liquid.
Sugus but are seriously considering not using the way you eat are treated specially because not spoil with the passage of time with a finish bernissat for now, they hold very well but later I want to try the technique of acrylic liquid.
3: Series laminated images.
Various pictures of things that inspire me and like. Sell cheerful and perfect for the summer brings many colorful, full of vitality and joy. :)
4: Design drawn by Me Swallows Old school style and attempted base fimo but I need to improve. That's all for now I still have a lot of new models to make when you're finished already goes up soon!
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