Tot i ser un No Mort encara conserva alguns vicis de joventut la
beguda i l'alcohol acompanyat de la mascota inseparable, el cuquet el
qual a d'aguantar grans converses de borratxo i melopeas vàries...
Però té tota la pinta de ser un "cachondo" i aguantar tota la priva que li donin, el millor fetge del món per enportarse'l de festes!!! Sens dubte.
Translation for sailors in the world that you arrive to my blog:
Not USA, is a liver carcinogen excirrosic half zombie.
Despite being an undead still has some vices of youth drinking and alcohol along the pet inseparable Cuquet in which to hold a great conversation ...
But several melopeas drunk and has all the earmarks of being a "slutty" and hold all deprives you give, the better the world enportarse'l liver festivities! Certainly.
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